Tuesday, November 22, 2011

Birthday wishes from the South

Yesterday was my mom's birthday and I'm quite sad I wasn't home to celebrate with her:

(mom with Tia Torres from Pit Bulls and Parolees on Animal Planet.)

My mom has kind of a funny expression in that picture, but it's the only picture I have of her on the netbook  I travel with. My mom's beautiful and she has the most beautiful skin. I hope I have skin like hers when I'm xx years old (I think I already have more wrinkles on my face than her!).

Speaking of loving dogs, I miss these two:
That's my Riley and Molly. Are they not the cutest pups? (I told you I can use a real camera!)

HI to my new followers. I assume Kate from -Every Mile a Memory- sent you all over (thanksya Kate<3). Introduce yourselves!!


  1. happy birthday to your mom and happy thanksgiving :) and you are right, they are the cutest little puppies! aww i just want to snuggle them!
